05 Dec

Copper Tape and an Epoxy Floor

Q: How do we do the copper mesh earthing in case of an Epoxy Floor?

A: That’s a nice question. You first want to profile your structurally sound and moisture acceptable (3-maybe up to 5 lbs or less of water per 1000 square feet in a 24 hour period per ASTM E-1907-97 & ASTM F-1869-98), then I’d apply my anchor coat and let that cure. Then I’d install the copper tape after all prep work was done and before you are ready to apply the ground plane coat and/or the ESD coat. If you have more than one ESD coat, that’s fine. But the copper grid has to make contact or be electrically conductive to the final ESD coating. If you’d like to connect the copper grid to the earthing, 3rd wire ground, or a grounding rod, that’s fine. Just make sure your flooring is properly bonded to a path to ground and be sure that all grounding sources are less than 1 Ω AC per ANSI/ESD S6.1-2005

05 Dec

Size and thickness of copper foil when installing ESD Flooring

Q: What is the recommended size of the copper grid while installing the ESD Flooring and what should be the thickness of the copper foil?

A: Copper tape comes in varying widths and typically comes in 108’ runs. Our Copper tape has an adhesive backing to it that enables you to run it the length of the ESD floor. There is a spec for how thick the copper is and how thick the adhesive is in mils, but what is most critical is how conductive the tape is across its length and from top side to adhesive side. It’s pretty conductive stuff. We’ve found it to be less than 0.025 Ω in the field using a 4 lead resistance meter. The scientists have more precise data, but that it measures less than 0.1 Ω from earth is what is necessary. You can select between ½ “, 1”, 2”, and 3”, 6”, and 12”. The ½” tape is sufficient for most applications, but I prefer the 2” type.