Grounding ESD and Static Control Flooring - Carpet, Vinyl Tile, Epoxy Floors, Rubber Flooring
Poured ESD - Static Control Epoxy Floors

ESD / Static Control Poured Epoxy Flooring-Industries: Chemical Industry


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Many epoxy and corrosion control solutions exist for the chemical industry.

Recommended Systems:

Chemical Plants Pharmaceutical Plants Plastic & Rubber

Epoxy Coating
Corrosion Control

Epoxy Coating
Corrosion Control
Slurry (Self-Leveling)
Decorative Systems
Epoxy Coating
Corrosion Control
Slurry (Self-Leveling)

Factors to consider

Durability. How the floor will stand up to its intended use? What types of vehicles or material handling equipment will be used on the flooring surface?

Chemical Resistance. What types of chemicals (i.e., solvents, fluxes, alcohols, acids and solders) will normally be used in the production area? How will spills be treated?

Odor. Does the coating have an odor to it? If so, will personnel be able to work during installation despite the presence of the odor?

The floor must be easy to maintain without utilizing any special maintenance procedures. If special waxes or floor finishes are required to maintain the ESD floor, they may be creating problems rather than solving them. The application of waxes and special finishes require that the floor be stripped periodically. The cost of the materials, coating application and periodic stripping add tremendously to the overall cost.

The flooring material should be light-reflective, attractive and have a positive effect on personnel.

Cost-Effectiveness. The product should meet all performance requirement at a price that is affordable.

Installation. How will the be installed and who will install it? Ground Zero Floor products are installed the same way any non-ESD coating or resurfacer is applied. Because we manufacture in-house to very strict quality control standards, and because our floors are installed by contractors trained and certified by Ground Zero, our floors’ performance is always guaranteed. The performance of competitors' floors depends substantially on the skill of the third-party installer.

Repairability. A floor will be re-coated for aesthetics long before the original coating wears out. Ground Zero Floor's particulate thin-film systems are generally applied in one coat over existing Ground Zero ESD installations. This also allows the end-user to change colors or highlight work stations to improve plant appearance.


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