ZeroStat In-plant Handlers
- Use In-plant or Inter-plant
- RoHS Compliant
- Static Shielding
- Reusable / Recyclable
- Physical Protection
- No Bags / No Bagging Labor
- Low Cost
ZeroStat InPlant Handlers (IPH) offer a tremendous cost savings opportunity for movement of circuit boards. Corstat™ enables you to eliminate bags and bagging labor. The ZeroStat IPH allows you to continuously reuse your physical and static protection, while eliminating the bulk of the labor. ZeroStat IPH has all bent over sides and partitions for durability that can last for years. The parts are die cut for maximum cleanliness.
ZIH-4830-A1 Tote Size ID: 18-3/8" x 12-3/8" x 13" Conductive Corrugated Material - $16.00 each
ZIH-4050-A2 (LID ONLY) for ZIH-4050-A1 (Tote Size ID: 20-1/4" x 16" x 10-1/2") - $6.00 each