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 SB-1000 Static Shield Bag Series Zip Top Re-closable
Item Number
SB-1000-Z (W" x "L)

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SB-1000 Static Shield Bag Series Zip Top Re-closable

As an alternative to folding your bags and securing them with an ESD warning label, try our SB-1000 Zip Top bags. We use dual track, anti-static, amine-free zipper material and our own custom built machines to manufacture zipper bags that have a reputation for outstanding reliability in a market notorious for poor quality.

SB-1000 flat and ZipTop static shield bags are manufactured from industry approved polyester/metal/polyethylene laminates. The polyester dielectric in concert with the metal layer provides Faraday cage effect shielding of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). The metal layer prevents the penetration of damaging electrostatic fields. Tribocharging is minimized by the specially processed polyethylene.

SB-1000 Static Shield Bag Series Zip Top Re-closable

Material Structure
SB-1000 open top and ZipTop static shielding bags are manufactured from industry approved Polyester /Metal/Polyethylene laminates. The polyester dielectric in concert with the metal layer provide Faraday Effect shielding of an Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). The metal layer prevents the penetration of damaging electrostatic fields. Tribocharging is minimized by the specially processed polyethylene.

Material Structure

Surface Resistivity
Static Shielding
Static Shielding
Static Decay
Charge Generation
- Teflon
ASTM D257, EIA 541
< 1012 ohms/square or <1011 ohms 100 ohms
109-10 ohms/square
< 30 volts (EIA 541)
< 10 nj EOS/ESD S11.31
< 0.05 seconds (FTMS 101 MTH 4046)
0.09 nC/ Inclined Plane) 0.01 nC/
Tensile Strength
Seam Strength
Light Transmission
Heat Sealing Conditions
> 25 lb. (ASTM D 882)
40% (Tobias)

250° F - 350° F
0.5 - 3.5 seconds
30 - 70 PSI
3.1 mils (SCC 008)
Pass (ASTM E595)
Pass (FTMS 101 MTH 3005)

SB-1000 Zip Top Standard Sizes
(All Bag Sizes are Inside Dimensions in Inches)
W x L W x L W x L W x L
2x3 5x8 8x10 12x12
3x3 5x10 8x12 12x16
3x5 6x8 9x12 12x18
4x4 6x10 10x12 14x18
4x6 6x24 10x14 15x18
4x8 6x30 10x24 16x24
4x24 7x15 10x30 18x18
4x30 8x8 11x15 18x24

bag sealer dessicants
humidity indicator cards

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Static Shield Bag - Zip Top
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